Upcoming Events


Date: First Saturday of the month

Time: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Venue: Balm of Gilead Evangelistic Ministries, Calgary, AB

Address: 7640 Fairmount Dr. S.E. Calgary, Unit #2

Start your weekend in prayer and a delicious homemade breakfast. Receive a new revelation of what in Prov. 8:17 the Scriptures says “… they that seek me early, shall find me.”

This event is free – a love offering will be taken (charitable receipt given at the end of the year). For registration please visit www.balmofgileadcalgary.ca or email: adodzroh@shaw.ca


Date: Last Friday of the month

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Venue: Balm of Gilead Evangelistic Ministries, Calgary, AB

Address: 7640 Fairmount Dr. S.E. Calgary, Unit #2

End your month in prayer, worship, praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God. Receive a new revelation of what in Prov. 8:17 the Scriptures says “… they that seek me early, shall find me.”

This event is free – a love offering will be taken (charitable receipt given at the end of the year). For registration please visit www.balmofgileadcalgary.ca or email: adodzroh@shaw.ca[/vc_column_text]

YOUR HOST: Doctor Joseph A. DODJRO, 

Your Spiritual Warfare Prayer Partner and Deliverance Minister



Prayer Summit Summer 2019

One day spiritual warfare & Deliverance Training for deliverance ministry workers, Pastors, spirit-filled Men& Women in Ministry, who have a keen interest in spiritual warfare and deliverance ministry.

Dynamic Training in Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance Ministry, to believers with proved principles in prophetic intercession. An all-day seven hours marathon spiritual warfare clinic you wouldn’t want to miss.

Date: 2nd Saturday of the month

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Balm of Gilead Evangelistic Ministries, Calgary, AB

Address: 7640 Fairmount Dr. S.E. Calgary, Unit #2

Fee: $45/person (incl. conference material, lunch and snack)

Your Host: Doctor Joseph A. DODJRO, Your Spiritual Warfare Prayer Partner and Deliverance Minister[/vc_column_text]